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Monthly Archives: February 2024

How often do you shower? Is it appropriate?

Is shower every day considered too frequent? The answer is not specific. It depends on how dirty your skin is. That depends on many factors, such as if you are in Thailand. Sweating from the first step outside the house. You should shower every day. But if you don’t do sweaty

Popular vegetable among Thai people.

Known as a vegetable many people may think that eating a lot of vegetables is better and beneficial to the body. Eating a lot of vegetables It shouldn’t be anything dangerous. But in fact There are still some vegetables that are popular in Thailand. Often found in Thai food. Things that

Caffeine as we know it.

If talking about caffeine (Not heroin) 100% will think of coffee first. Followed by tea, soft drinks and energy drinks. Caffeine as we know it It has properties that act against substances that cause drowsiness in the brain. which is the substance adenosine. Which causes people who drink coffee Or get